The truth of the matter was it was wrongly assumed that it , the house, belonged to Loreio Tiburtino due to findings of electoral inscriptions in his name found on the walls, the house was found later on to belong to D.Octavius Quartio. The house is very big by today’s standards, a suggestive garden with a canal in a t shape and a pergola. Along the canal many statues have been found (muse, river divinities and animals)these are now very good copies of). These findings lead us to believe that the villa could have been used for worshipping the Goddess Iside and that this canal was made to look like the River Nile and that the gardens were the birth of the Egyptian fields. Anyway, and whatever the canal has a pretty nymph dedicated to Diana.In the reception room, decorations show the Grecians in the war of Troy and the sending off of Hercules against Laomedonte. In the biclinium reserved for eating outdoors You can see the affrescos that represent Narciso and the suicide of Piramo and Tisbe.