Originally, it was a dwelling dating back to before the mid-1st century AD and was transformed into a craft complex of considerable importance, witnessing the skills and ingenuity of the ancient Romans in the field of leather processing.

    The earthquake of 62 AD caused extensive damage to Pompeii, but it also provided an opportunity to improve and optimize many buildings, including the tannery. The post-earthquake reconstruction transformed the site, making it more efficient and suited to the productive needs of the time.

    The process of transforming hides into usable material was complex and divided into several phases, each of which took place in specific areas of the complex to optimize workflow.


    The first step was the washing of the hides, an operation that took place in large containers called dolia, likely located under a portico or near the river Sarno, to take advantage of the abundance of water and to keep bad odors away from inhabited areas.

    prima fase della concia

    The next phase, and the heart of the process, was the actual tanning. This occurred in fifteen cylindrical vats, where the hides were treated with natural substances to make them soft, durable, and resistant. The vats, still visible today, are a clear example of the advanced technology and craft knowledge of the Romans.

    seconda fase della concia

    Once tanned, the hides were processed under the portico and in small rooms facing the peristyle, the large internal courtyard. These spaces were separated by low walls that facilitated the organization of work. Moreover, there was a summer triclinium, overlooking the west side of the peristyle, where the owner of the tannery, the coriarius, hosted his visitors, demonstrating the social and economic importance of this activity.

    seconda fase della concia


    The complex was not only a workplace but also the residence of the coriarius and his family, a sign of the interweaving of domestic life and productive activity in Roman times. Visiting this site offers a unique glimpse into the daily life of Pompeii and the craft techniques of the past, a heritage that continues to amaze and teach.

    In Latin, the tannery or the workshop where hides were processed could be called "coriarii officina" or simply "coriarii", deriving from "corium", which means leather or hide. The term "coriarius" referred to the leather worker or tanner.