The temple was dedicated to the Goddess Iside and shows us how the folk of Pompeii focused on the exchange of goods with the west and from Greece .This temple was built at the beginning of the 1 century B.C or even before that, it was seriously damaged in the earthquake of 62 A.C
    A liberto, would have been an ex-and now freed slave rebuilt this temple at his expense, in the name of his 6 year-old son guaranteeing him a future that he didn’t have3  himself.
    The Cella, a sort of store room that was dedicated to the goddess stands proudly on a platform in the centre of the sacred courtyard.
    There’s a grand room for ceremonies and another 2 rooms and the Purgatorium –purgatory, a place which was used as a cleansing zone, there was also some water found, funnily enough from the River Nile .There  were some findings which are now housed in the Museum in Naples .