excavations of OplontisTorre Annunziata includes the excavations of Oplontis. These excavations probably were part of a peripheral area of Pompeii, and did not form an autonomous town. These excavations are made of two villas, but only the one of Poppea can be visited.
    The villa of Poppea Sabina, second wife of Nero, is considered by UNESCO a part of the world heritage. It is a great house,excavations of Oplontis very big in fact it contains also the thermal baths. It is decorated with many frescoes that create special perspectives and architectural elements, like columns, portals, etc. These paintings also portrait animals, fruit, and masks.
    At the moment of the eruption the villa was not inhabited because it was being restructured as the remains show.

    The other villa, the so-called “villa B” cannot be visited. It is attributed to a certain Lucius Crassius Tertius. There are many amphorae and tools indicating that maybe this villa was used as a “firm” that processed and sold agricultural products. Part of the building was used by the owner and it is decorated with interesting frescoes. Inside the villa a lot of jewels and coins were found and also the bodies of 54 people that had maybe taken refuge in the villa, considering it was a safer place.

    Copyright Starnetwork
    Testi Ettore Panella

    excavations of Oplontisexcavations of Oplontis


    excavations of Oplontisexcavations of Oplontis
    excavations of Oplontisexcavations of Oplontisexcavations of Oplontisexcavations of Oplontisexcavations of Oplontisexcavations of Oplontisexcavations of Oplontis

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    Via Sepolcri, Torre Annunziata (NA)
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    Main access routes
    by train:
    Circumvesuviana Napoli-Sorrento or Napoli - Poggiomarino o Napoli - Torre Annunziata (stop Torre Annunziata)

    by car:
    Autostrada A3 Napoli-Salerno (exit Torre Annunziata sud)